If you’re a single mom, we are here for you!
Connect With Other
Single Moms In The Greater
Ypsilanti, MI Area
Fun, friendship, and expert advice on finances, parenting, and emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
Connect with other single moms on the first and third Monday of every month, from 6pm-7:45pm.
Free childcare
Free meals
Fun with gifts and door prizes
Quality instruction
Candid conversation
Single Moms Are Often Overwhelmed
Emotional Despair
Single moms often feel inadequate, judged, and isolated.
Parenting Difficulties
Parenting is a tough job in itself and when done alone, it is an enormous 24/7 task.
Financial Struggles
There is never enough money. Nearly half of single-mom households live below the poverty line.
Spiritual Emptiness
“So where is God?” “Why has this happened?” Carrying around anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness makes it hard to feel God’s love.
Ready For A Change?
It’s time to stop feeling overwhelmed. Make a change. Allow us to serve you. Take action today!
Let us know you’re coming!
Register yourself and your children so we can prepare for enough food and childcare. Let us know of any food allergies and whether homework help is desired.
Arrive at 6:00 pm!
Arrive in time to check-in and escort your children to their childcare locations within the building.
Enjoy your “connect” time!
Enjoy a meal, friendly conversations, a short video lesson, and candid discussions. Door prizes will be given each meeting.
Imagine what may happen if you “go it alone”…
Experience more feelings of loneliness and depression
Manage your finances unwisely because you’ve never been taught how to budget
Parent out of your own wounds, perpetuating the cycle of abuse
Continue to carry the burden of anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness

A Brand New You!
Meet The Leader
Linda Nesmith is a former single mom who felt God’s call to begin a ministry for single moms in the vicinity of her church, South Side Baptist Tabernacle, in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Her own journey drives her compassion for the struggles that single moms experience.
It is a hard job being a single mom, one that is often looked down upon because people judge that the mom has somehow done something wrong. And she may have. But that doesn’t change the enormity of her task of raising her children alone. Linda’s journey may be similar or very different. But the commonality is that all love their children and have found themselves alone. Linda wants to see every single mom feel connected, become a better parent, gain control of their finances, and grow spiritually.
Sample of our Curriculum
Our leader, Linda Nesmith, is certified through The Life of a Single Mom to teach the curriculum you see in this video. Each of our meetings will provide a short video lesson like this one followed by candid discussions and thought provoking “homework.”
Visit Us
South Side Baptist Tabernacle
6710 Textile Road
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
1st and 3rd Monday of Every Month
From 6p-7:45p